2003 Elk Toss and Winter Festival

See article from Danville News.

Here are the Results!

SALAD TOSS --> Pam Spayd and Hans Shellenberger

SCRAP IRON TOSS --> Dave Maylath

DOG SLED RACES --> ** Ceremonial running of the Huskies only! (due to lack of sleds and lack of stuffed animals)

CATAPULT VEGETABLE TOSS --> NO winner due to equipment failure

ELK TOSS SEMI-FINALS -->  WINNER: FRANZ KLINGERMANN - 21' 10" !!  Congrats to our reigning champ!
        Honorable Mentions: Schlon Wagner - 19' 11.5"
                                             Franz Klingermann - 19' 10"
                                             Willie Wenner - 19' 8"

Thanks to everyone who helped us raise $350 for the Bloomsburg Women's Center!

***ALSO NEW world record for people in mens bathroom at the PUB in Danville....10 adults!***  see picture below

Photos from this year's events...

Franz warming up for the toss!

Birtha and Gilbert on his guit-wash-honk-board

Audrey in the scrap iron toss

Schlon checking the elk for ticks

Schlon being cheered on by Franze...true Danville German friendship even in competition.

***new record!  10 people in total at once in the PUB bathroom (mens of course)***

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