With large knife, cut clean cabbages in half, then slice into
thin shreds. Pack the cut cabbage into sterilized one quart
glass, canning jars. Add 1 tsp. salt and fill with boiling
water. Put on sterilized canning lids, and tighten. Put the
sauerkraut aside to "work" for a few weeks. Be sure to place
jars in something to collect any juice that might run out.
When it stops "working" it is done. Keep in a cool, dry
place; or freeze for later use. Caution: Do not taste, as
this is not yet a cooked, safe-to-eat product.
I once tasted the not safe-to-eat product...NOT RECOMMENDED for sane
people. It is also essential to have a large pork roast,
fresh along with the kraut. For those of the kosher eating
might have to skip the pork and substitute brisket. Open up a
good beer and
eat up!
In a large crock, add a layer of shredded cabbage (shredded with a kraut shredder) followed with some salt. Mash this with a kraut masher and make another layer. When the crock is full, cover the cabbage with a clean t-shirt and weigh it down with a plate and a gallon jug of water. Make sure the cabbage is completely covered in liquid. Let this sit for 4-6 weeks, making sure to occasionally remove any scum that forms on the liquid. Cook for about 12 hours at about 250 degrees with pork. Enjoy.